Monday 21 November 2011

Uunisepät fireplace for summer cottages

The fireplaces of Uunisepät are built according to the newest standards. This means that they are safe to use even on the summer cottages. In summer cottages the fireplaces have usually quite different needs to those on houses lived in all year round. Our ideology at Uunisepät is that every summer cottage needs a fireplace! Nothing beats sitting down by the fire in a cold and rainy summer day, just listening to the drops of water drumming on the roof. Natural wood fire soothes and entertains besides of just offering warmth and comfort.

Some practicalities should be taken in to account when choosing a fireplace to the summer cottage. The summer cottage is usuallsy situated in some hard to access area, away from the roads, or on an island. This needs to be taken in to account when choosing the fireplace to the summer cottage. The fireplace should be lightweight and easily transportable. The fireplace at the summer cottage needs to warm up quickly. If the fireplace you fancy is not one of the models that heat up quickly then you might want to consider buying a separate piece to heat up the fireplace quickly. Convection fireplaces heat up quickly, but the box from Uunisepät will allow any fireplace to imitate the convenience of a convection fireplace.

If you are buying a fireplace for a summer cottage you should take into consideration the differences in outside temperature and moisture in the yearly cycle. In the winter the summer cottage will be cold. Uunisepät uses olivine stone which does not “cry” like many other stones used in the fireplaces thus it heats up quicker and the fireplace endures even the big changes in the temperature. If you get a CE marked fireplace it means that the fireplace burns the wood without too much side-products and it stays warm until the next morning. They are also safe even after years of use.

At the summer cottages you can also use the fireplace as a grill. You can grill the after sauna sausages, or make your favourite casserole in it while you enjoy the outdoors life! So easy and fun!

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